Mechanical ceramic-graphite seal 301-13 for use in different household and commercial pump Saer M/97, Pedrollo, Grunfos MQ 3-45, Sūknis Akvajet SIX team, Pentair Water Swimmey SW-15M, Dab Aquajet/ Aquajetinox 62-132M, Jet/ JET-INOX/ Jetcom 62-132, 112 M, Active J/ JI/ JC 62-132 M, Gardenjet/ Garden-com/ Garden-Inox 62-132M, AL-KO Jet 5000 Comfort, Nocchi, Wilo HWJ 201, HWJ 301 EM , hwj 301 em, Marina Speroni APM 100/2 on 13 mm pump rotor shaft. The outer body diameter is 24 mm, the diameter of the stationary ceramic ring (in elastic band) is 26 mm, the total height with the ring is 23 mm