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Rebir, Einhell royal chainsaw oil pump

Rebir, Einhell royal chainsaw oil pump

SKU: 12402

Regular price €10,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €10,00 EUR
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Oil pump for chain lubrication, total length 96 mm, drive hole 20 mm.

Compatible with Rebir 1.5 kW MKZ38/40, Einhell Royal MKS 38/41, MKS 1940, STERN Austria CSG3816, Einhell royal MKS 35/35, AL-KO KB 38/40|AL-KO AC 310714-35|AC 310716-38|BKS 35/35, MaxCut, Rebir 1.4, Rebir MKZ1-38/40. chainsaw

Oil pump - a pump housing with pistons, spring, cam, washer, o-ring and stopper, - for a maximum capacity of about 21 m³ / min, - for precisely metered delivery of chain oil in Abhänigkeit of the engine speed, for greasing running on rails Chainsaw. "Liquid Pumps, other oscillating displacement pumps, metering pumps - the so-called oil pump

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