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Stainless steel drum spider DC97-01115A for Samsung washing machine

Stainless steel drum spider DC97-01115A for Samsung washing machine

SKU: 24196

Regular price €55,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €55,00 EUR
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Stainless steel drum support of the Samsung washing machine drum DC97-01115A (similar to cod.728) custom made of massive stainless steel
Additional parameters
The distance between the center of the shaft and the attachment to the drum 220 mm
Shaft height 146 mm
Fastening type nut M12
The distance from the sleeve to the outer bearing 72 mm
The distance from the landing place of the outer bearing to the end of the shaft 52 mm
Shaft diameter 30 mm (6206)
The diameter of the sleeve for the stuffing box 35 mm
The landing diameter of the external bearing 25 mm (6205)
Place of landing of the pulley 14x12 mm
Material Stainless Steel
Bushing height 21 mm

Compatibility list

Samsung 874.062 874062 B1013J B1015J B1045 B1045A B1045AV B1075T B1075TS B1085A B1113J B1115J B1180D B1182EW B1182EWT B1213J B1215J B1215JGW/XEU B1245 B1245A B1245AEW/A B1245AG B1245AV B1245AVGW1/XEE B1245S B1245V B1264S B1265AV B1280D B1282 B1282ST B1282T B1285A B1287 B1287S B1295 B1315J B1413J B1415J B1445 B1445A B1445AG B1445AV B1445S B1445SGS/CHEF B1445V B1465AV B1480D B1482 B1482T B1513J B1515J M1001 M1201 M1401 P1001 P1003J P1005J P1043 P1053 P1053V P1070 P1091 P1093 P1201 P1203 P1203J P1205J P1233 P1243 P1253 P1253S P1253V P1270 P1270GW P1271 P1281GW P1291 P1291GW P1293 P1401 P1403J P1405J P1433 P1443 P1453 P1453S P1453VGW/YLE P1470GW P1471 P1481GW P1491 P1491GW SEW-650DW SEW-660DW SEW-670DG SEW-670DW SEW-6DR803B SEW-745DW SEW-746DW SEW-750DR SEW-751DR SEW-760DR SEW-810DR SEW-810DRP SEW-810DRW SEW-DR605 SEW-DR605A SEW-DR605P SEW-DR605WB SEW-DR605WE SEW-DR650HS SEW-DR803BT SEW-DR803NT SEW-DW600 SEW-DW600A SEW-DW600WB SEW-DW605 SEW-DW605A SEW-DW605WB SEW-HR805 SEW-HR807 SEW-HR825 SEW-HR826 SEW-HR827 SEW-HW803 SEW-HW823 SEW-HW824 SEWHR805 SEWHR807 SEWHR825 SEWHR827 SQ1291 SW-D60 SW-D6J1 SW1050 SWE-1000 SWE-1100 SWE-1200 SWE-1400 SWF-NSQ12 SWF-P10 SWF-P12 SWF-P14 SWF-SQ12 SWF-SQ1200 SWL-1000 SWL-1200 SWL-1400 SWM-1000 SWM-1100 SWM-1200 SWV-1000F SWV-1100F SWV-1200F SWV-1400F W1092F WD-B1055 WD-B1065C WD-B1255 WD-B1255S WD-B1255W WD-B1265C WD-B1265D WD-B1265R WD6600R8C WD6602R8S WD7602C9R/XSC WD7602R8D WD7602R8R/XSC WD7602R8W/XSC WD7652C8W WD7652R8S/XST WD8602R8U/XSG WD8602R8W/XSG WD9602R8S WD9602R8V WD9652C8W/XTL WF-B105 WF-B1054V WF-B105A WF-B105ARU WF-B105AV WF-B105N WF-B105NC WF-B105NV WF-B1061 WF-B1061EC WF-B1061EW WF-B1061EW/XTL WF-B1061F WF-B1061GW WF-B1062 WF-B1073 WF-B1254 WF-B1256GW WF-B1256V WF-B125A WF-B125ACU WF-B125AV WF-B125N WF-B125NV WF-B1261 WF-B1261GS/XEF WF-B1262 WF-B1262GW WF-B1445 WF-B1456GW WF-B145ACU WF-B145AV WF-B145N WF-B145NS WF-B145NV/XEE WF1274GW WF1474GW WF6600N1EW WF6600N2W WF6600S4V WF6602N7 WF6602S7CF WF7600 WF7600N5CU WF7600N5RU WF7600N7VU WF7600N7WU WF7600NAS WF7600NAV WF7600NAV/XEC WF7600NAW WF7600NAW/YAM WF7600S4S WF7600S9C WF7600S9R WF7600SAV WF7600SUV WF7602NAW WF7602NUV WF7602NUW WF7602NUW/XEF WF7602S8C WF7602S8R WF7602S8V WF7602S9R WF7602SAV WF7602SUV WF7604NAV WF7604NAW WF7604NUV WF7604SAV WF7604SUV WF7650N4W WF7650S6C WF7650S6W WF7650S9M WF7652S8R WF7652SUU/XTL WF7652SUV/XTL WF8600NAV/XST WF8600NAV/XSV WF8600NAVU/XST WF8600NAVU/XSV WF8650S6C1/XSV WF8650S6CU/XSV WF8700N6WU/XSV WF9600NAVU/XSV WF9600NAWU/XSV WFB1467NUV WM710JD WM710JE WM714JD WWH7802WW WWH7804WW WWH8802WW WWH8804WW  B1015JGW/YLP  P1201GWE/YLR  B1015JGW/YLW  P1203JGW/YLP  B1045AGW/YLP  P1203JGW/YLW  B1045AGW/YLR  P1203JGW1/YLP  B1045AGW/YLW  P1203JGW1/YLW  B1215JGW/YLP  P1203JGWE/YLR  B1215JGW/YLW  P1205JGW/YLP  B1245AEW/A  P1205JGW/YLW  B1245AVGW/YLE  P1205JGW1/YLP  B1245AVGW/YLP  P1205JGW1/YLW  B1245AVGW/YLR  P1243GW/YLP  B1245AVGW/YLW  P1253GW/YLE  B1415JGS/YLP  P1253GW/YLH  B1415JGW/YLP  P1291GW/LINE  B1415JGW/YLW  P1291GW/YLP  B1445AVGW/YLP  P1291GW/YLR  B1445AVGW/YLR  P1291GW/YLW  B1445AVGW/YLW  P1291GW1/YLP  M1001GW/YLP  P1291GWE/YLR  M1001GW/YLW  P1401GW/YLP  M1001GW1/YLW  P1401GW/YLW  M1001GWE/YLR  P1401GW1/YLP  M1201GW/YLP  P1403JGW/YLP  M1201GW/YLW  P1403JGW/YLW  M1201GW1/YLW  P1403JGW1/YLP  M1201GWE/YLR  P1405JGS/YLP  P1001GW/YLP  P1405JGS1/YLP  P1001GW/YLW  P1405JGW/YLP  P1001GW1/YLP  P1405JGW/YLW  P1001GW1/YLW  P1405JGW1/YLP  P1001GWE/YLR  P1453GW/YLE  P1003JGW/YLP  P1453GW/YLH  P1003JGW/YLW  SWF-P10GW2/YLP  P1003JGW1/YLP  SWF-P10GW2/YLW  P1003JGW1/YLW  SWF-P12GW2/YLW  P1003JGWE/YLR  SWF-SQ1200/BWT  P1005JDWN/XAC  SWF-SQ1200/YLE  P1005JEW/XST  SWF-SQ1200/YLP  P1005JGW/YLP  SWF-SQ1200/YLW  P1005JGW/YLW  SWM-1000/XEN  P1005JGW1/YLP  WF6600S4V/YLP  P1005JGW1/YLW  WF7600NAW/YLW  P1005JGWE/YLR  WF7600S4S/YLP  P1043GW/YLP  WF7600S9C/YLP  P1043GW/YLW  WF7600S9R/YLP  P1043IW/YLN  WF7600SAV/YLP  P1053EW/A  WF7600SUV/YLP  P1053GW/YLE  WF7602S8C/YLP  P1091GW/LINE  WF7602S8R/YLP  P1091GW/YLE  WF7602SAV/YLP  P1091GW/YLP  WF7602SAV/YLW  P1091GW/YLR  WF8600NAVU/XST  P1091GW/YLW  WF-B1061/YLR  P1091GW1/YLP  WF-B1061/YLW  P1091GWE/YLR  WF-B1061W/YLP  P1201GW/YLP  WF-B1062/YLP  P1201GW/YLW  WF-B1062/YLR  P1201GW1/YLP  WF-B1062/YLW  P1201GW1/YLW  WF-B125AV/YLP

See also:
Latest products updates Washing machine drum support Washing machine parts